These are the boys hard at work here
Dominik Perez

Dominik Perez is the founder of Everdream and his roles at the company are plentiful. He runs this awesome website and Everdream’s social media, writes and letters most of Everdream's content, and illustrates his own series, “She Came From Outer Space”.
At the ripe age of twelve years old, Dominik stumbled upon a little webcomic called Homestuck. The unique setting, massive cast of loveable characters, and the vibrant community surrounding the comic at the time impacted his impressionable brain in a way that could not be undone. The story allowed him to escape from the unfortunate reality he found himself in at the time, and from that moment on his dream was to create comics that allowed kids like him to forget about the shit show that is real life.
When he’s not working on comics, he spends his time serving pizza at a moderately renowned pizza restaurant, playing Dungeons and Dragons, reading comic books, watching movies, and finding any and all excuses to get all of his friends under the same roof.
LIKES: 80’s movies, spicy food, and egg punk.
DISLIKES: Consumerism, American work culture, and people who take things too seriously.
INSPIRED BY: Homestuck, Scott Pilgrim, Sandman, Grant Morrison’s Doom Patrol, and Return of the Living Dead.
Stryder Pietraszuk

awesome stryder information
LIKES: Stuff
INSPIRED BY: Other stuff
Jaciel Ortiz

awesome jaciel information
LIKES: Stuff
INSPIRED BY: Other stuff